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DPM Update – 2023 Jan – Happy New Year

5 Jan

Happy New Year 2023!

Dear Friends,

A brand new year has dawned upon us!
With that in mind, try this verse: “The path of the righteous is like the first gleam of dawn, shining brighter and brighter until midday.” – Ps 4:18 Now, that sounds like a good place for a “Hallelujah”, right there! 🙂

Debbie and I are still very much engaged with the ministry of touching people with our Father’s love.  

This year we’ve ministered four times in CA… MN, WI and Nashville a couple of times,  and TX and Chicago.  We hosted four 3-day Gatherings; in CA, TN and MO… along with many day-trips around MO & KS.

Our hearts are happy, inspired and more intimate with our Father’s Presence than ever before.  Truly!

The newest member to our tribe
Last month, our daughter Lydia and her husband Chris had their fourth child – Isabella Marie.  Our 10th Grand was born in the car traveling over 100 mph on the way to the hospital.  Whew!!  She was not going to wait another minute! Mommy and baby are doing quite well.  Here are a couple pictures

Widows and orphans
Along with all the ‘normal’ ministry, we haven’t forgotten to help the poor, the widows and orphans – in keeping with James 1:27. (“Pure religion… is to look after orphans and widows in their distress”)  Over the years, DPM has contributed to the poor in multiple countries, including: Kenya, Philippines, Honduras, Guatemala, Cuba, Israel, Mozambique, Myanmar (Burma) and the USA.  In an ongoing venture DPM has built eight widows’ homes in Kenya through Love Mercy, a ministry of long-time trusted friends, Noel & Mieke Alexander.  More homes are presently being built.  Click here for more details

Some of our benevolence focus’

  1. Kenya – building homes for widows and their children in Kiungani, Kipsaina and Endebess  
  2. Myanmar(Burma) – helping children’s homes who are encountering very real persecution and even martyrdom
  3. Honduras – partnering with Impact Min Intl (IMI) building the City of Refuge in El Motalal Comayagua

Widows’ homes – before and after pics

A new song
Here’s a late Christmas gift for you… a song I wrote which rallies around our greater inheritance and emerging Heavenly realities.   Click here to listen: Heaven Is Here


Over the years I’ve heard several leaders express the following sentiment, so I’m not sure who to attribute it to.  But here is my version of this powerful truth!

       “If you want the body of Christ to be somewhere in five years, write songs about it now.” – MLH

So, this song heralds an abbreviated essence of what has gripped our hearts in recent years and where we believe many of Jesus’ people will be walking in the near future.  It’s been our great pleasure to find many others on a similar journey… and together, we’re experiencing some amazing discoveries.  This reality is Biblical.  It’s inspiring.  It’s for real!  And it’s for us… NOW!

My ‘dream’
Heaven Is Here is produced to sound like a stadium full of people singing with abandon… like a ‘dream’ of mine:  Imagine that the mindset of a whole society of believers is gripped with the revolutionary awareness of our residency in Heaven – NOW!  No distance, no delay… exactly what Jesus said of Himself (“the Son of Man who IS in Heaven” – Jn 3:13 NJKV).   Heaven is here, Heaven is now!

This powerful revelation is so pervasive, gripping and effectual that stadiums are filled with men and women caught up in ecstatic joy and wonderment.  Football stadiums have never seen such a fever as the overflowing jubilation of saints experiencing this greater reality of our salvation.  Our bodies and souls are discovering oneness with our spirit man – which is in the Heavenlies (Eph 2:6, Col 3:1-3).  Now, our spirit, soul and body are integrated and in sync with one another… and together, they are brought into Heavenly oneness with our Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit. 

In this vibrant reality (which is an integral part of our inheritance) there are limitless Heavenly frontiers on all sides, waiting to be possessed.  This is life and life more abundantly!

For reference
Lk 17:24, Jn 3:13, Jn 10:9, I Cor 6:17, II Cor 5:17, Eph 2:6, Col 3:1-4, Heb 12:22-23, I John 4:17, Rev 4:1 and more…

Strategic God
Don’t you just love how God establishes our paths and brings us together in the just the right place and time?!  He’s the best!  You watch, we’ll hang out with each other again this year and tell more stories of the goodness of God in each of our lives.  And that’s a good thought right there!

Love and blessings
May your heart be happy and full, your vision clear, your words be anointed, your hands empowered, your efforts fruitful and your eternal rewards great!!

Our love and blessings to you and yours!  ❤❤
Mark & Debbie

Stay in touch!
Please feel free to contact us for friendship or ministry.   Here are a few ways to connect

DPM web:
ALC web:
Beyond the Map blog:
Video channel:

Reconciler is on the job!

12 Jul

Stories to Inspire

Our Heavenly ‘family’ is getting more real, more relevant and more practical all the time.  What a gift from our most loving Father!

People ask frequently, “So how does this change your life?”

And that’s a great question.  I’d want to know, also.  For starters, when a person’s heart gets tenderized and their mindset about Heavenly realities gets upgraded, that a real blessing, right!?!?   But when our circumstances are being radically effected for the good, that becomes the ‘icing on the cake’.

A friend of mine is experiencing some very real life changing benefits from partnering with her angels… which is just one category of Heaven’s many resources to the saints.

What would you think if this was your family?  Would you be happy?  You betcha!

Due to the personal nature of this story the names have been withheld or changed.


Reconciler is on the job!

My family has been disconnected for the past 5 years, which was when a disastrous Christmas resulted in disconnection of relationships and family members taking sides.  It was heart breaking for this Mama to watch it unfold.  But God has been faithful to grow my faith and equip me with faith-tools to bring breakthrough and reconciliation in my family.

So, I met a new angel named Reconciler, about a month ago.  It has been really fun to partner with Reconciler in assignments for my family.  Since I’ve met and partnered with him, here are a few wonderful developments with my adult children and their families.

1. My son called to tell me of a dream he had about 2 weeks ago.  In the dream his sister came to visit and met her niece and nephew she had never met.  My son woke feeling hopeful, peaceful and encouraged about the possibility of reconciliation!!   Woot! Woot!

2. Another son called and wanted to let me know they would like to come visit.  (We haven’t seen them since last summer.  They have chosen to not be together because of covid.)  While here, some very painful situations from 20 years ago were brought up in a conversation – blaming me.  The Lord gave me grace to stay ‘present’ and listen.  The result was that my son said, “Mom, I don’t think I have ever said this, but I want to celebrate you for taking the courage to leave Dad.”  That was a 180 from where the conversation had started.

3. More family was here last weekend.  We had a delightful time.  I asked my son for a private meeting in my office and God gave me grace to ask questions and share my heart with him around a story he had told me that I had a very different perception of.  He listened and I felt his heart shift…he stood up and walked to me and gave me a big long hug and said, “Mom, I love you.”  Woot! Woot!

4. Next, I received a text message from a daughter (another big disconnect with she and her family) asking us to come for Grandparents Day at my granddaughter’s school.  We made the 7 hour trip and had a wonderful time with our granddaughter at her school and spending time together with her family.  I am so grateful for hearts opening to connection.

5. More recently, I received a call from my son.  He had taken the day off.  He shared what he is learning about meditation!  My ears perked up!  He asked me if I would lead in a meditation/prayer… however I wanted… with him on the phone.  Wow, so cool!  So I did both.  It was a sweet heart connection that we had not experienced before.

6. A few days ago, I received a call from my oldest daughter.  I haven’t had any communication from her for months.  She called to apologize for the things that she said to me the last time we talked.  Wow!  Guess who is at work!  Reconciler!

I’m thanking God for letting me partner with my angel Reconciler.

I am so grateful that we are learning to meet our angels and partner with them.  When there had seemingly been no evidence of healing in the family, the tide has shifted and fruit is coming forth..  Glory to God!


Asher’s Amazing Miracle

1 Feb

Stories to Inspire

Here’s a short story video that will likely melt your heart.

April 2, 2018 – Nearly 3 years ago our then 14-month-old grandson Asher, was suddenly stricken with acute flaccid myelitis – an inflammation and swelling of the spinal cord.  He had just taken a 2-hour nap and uncharacteristically woke up crying… and for no apparent reason.  After some homespun testing, John took him to the ER.  That night was a long night.  

Cheryl and I joined John and Asher early the next morning.  After intensive research and extensive tests, the Drs knew what was wrong, they just didn’t know why… and the prognosis they gave us was pretty hopeless.

Despite knowing that this was a serious problem, we immediately reminded our hearts and minds of how our family lives in the favor of the Lord… proven by countless miracles of His goodness.  We determined that we would NOT let our hearts be sucked down into a dark whirlpool of confusion, discouragement or despair.  If every previous trial in our lives has ended up being an amazing trophy testimony, then why would this trial be any different!?!  REALLY!!!  This is the REAL stuff!  If we’re in Christ, we must begin to believe His heart for us and anchor our emotions in this infallible truth.

John stayed in the hospital with Asher for 19 days.  Cheryl traveled back and forth and took care of the other siblings.  At about 19 days, Asher moved one finger 1/4″.  Yay!!!!  Our confidence was already unshakeable but that little 1/4″ movement was the ‘icing on the cake’.  They dismissed him from the hospital saying that was all they could do for him.  But that wasn’t to be the end of the story – THANK YOU, GOD!!!!

Since then, progress has been slow but very steady and remarkable.

Many people around the world have prayed for our little guy.  This tender and innocent toddler has found his way into the hearts of countless caring folks.  Nearly everywhere we go, someone asks how he’s doing.  So, this short video is an overview of the last 3 years to tell the good news and give glory to our awesome God. 

At this point, Asher has recovered most of the motor function and muscle skills in his arms, hands and fingers.  His nerves have evidently established new pathways to transfer the impulses and his muscles have steadily rebuilt.  There is no doubt that he’ll have as much normal function as any other boy within a year or so.  Even now, it might be difficult for a stranger to notice that Asher ever had a problem.

Our hearts are so grateful to our Heavenly Father for His care for us the whole way through.  He has helped us turn another test… into a test-imony!  What we knew to be true about God nearly 3 years ago when things looked so bad, has carried us right into another one of a boatload of trophy God-stories that is power-packed to inspire others.  He’s just that good!

The takeaway: Our God is so much better than we ever thought!!

Click here for a 5:30 mins video story


Train ’em up in the ways they should go

31 Jul

Stories to Inspire

You might think that ascending is something only adults engage in.  Surprisingly, children may be able to ascend easier than adults.   But it may require some innovative facilitation to keep the children focused and not distracting to those around them.  Craig and his family have facilitated ascensions for many years with other families with children.  He educated us on how to make such an occasion successful.  And it really was surprising how easy and rewarding it was for everyone in the room.

Train ‘em up in the ways they should go

One evening three families rallied for dinner and an ‘ascension’.  We placed blankets on the floor to create a personal space for each child.  Then as we all ascended, we asked the children to draw what they saw or experienced.  Afterward, everyone was asked to share their experience and we had the children describe their drawings.  Everyone had some special theme and experience.  Our 3-year-old Asher, excitedly asked, “Can we do that again?”

Grand #8 is on the way!!!

8 May

ANNOUNCING !!!!  The tests say,   It’s A Girl!!!   Due July 27.   

Chris & Lydia and their 2 year old Charlie, will have a new little bambina in their home by late July.  Only 11 weeks to go!

That will make 2 kiddos for them… and 8 grands for us.   Yay!!!

And we’ll have another person in the family blood line to carry on the legacy of Jesus lover.  Wow!  Doesn’t that just sound awesome!?

We’re in Redding, CA right now, but in the fullness of time, Debbie and I will return to welcome our newest family member… and help with some of the extra work load that comes with newborns. 

So just thought you’d like to know… and like to celebrate with us.  We’ll keep you posted on the new arrival.


Mark & Debbie

Dwelling Place Ministries

11011 Olive St
KC, MO 64131
DPM home:
Mark FB:

DPM Update – 2018 May – Asher’s health

1 May

Dear Friends

Asher – sudden ailment
Our family has been going through a little health test with our youngest grandchild, Asher Mark.  It all started on April 2, 2018 in the early evening, after John put Asher to bed.  At about 9:30pm he woke up crying.  After trying to console him, John and Cheryl soon realized this was not their typical Asher.  He couldn’t move his arms!  His arms were completely limp from his shoulders to the tips of his fingers.  He had just been playing with his 3 siblings a few hours ago.  No injuries.  No recent sickness or vaccines.  No indicators.  No warning signs.  So Asher was immediately taken to the ER and ended up at Children’s Mercy Hospital downtown, Kansas City.

No diagnosis
After 3 days of intensive tests including MRI, spinal tap, numerous blood works, steroids and 5 days of IVIG treatment the doctors had their suspicions, but were baffled.  It’s been over four weeks now and they still don’t have a confirmed diagnosis.

Asher is beginning to make remarkable progress, thanks to prayers from around the globe.  He’s doing physical therapy daily and we’re confident that small movements will lead to bigger movements… which will lead to full mobility!  Can you say, “Amen!”

As the symptoms began to be identified on the first day, the natural reaction would have been to be overwhelmed and devastated.  But we felt much grace to coach our hearts to stay in solid confidence in the unwavering goodness of God.  Our whole family lives in the favor of the Lord.  We remind each other frequently and attribute it all to God’s unmerited goodness.  Since that is a solid component in our hearts and minds, we haven’t let this circumstance ‘derail’ us and pull us down into a pit of helpless darkness filled with “O my’s”, “Why me’s” and “What ifs”… which would be exactly what the devil would love.  The devil is the origin of this ailment… and he is a loser.  He ain’t no match for our Great Big God!  So… no plaintiff beggar prayers allowed!  From that place of security in His favor, we began to make declarations of restoration of health and wholeness into Asher’s body… and we do it each and every day!

The cool part is that God has promised to work all these things together for our good!  Now is that amazing, or what!!!  This is another miracle story in the making!  Soon, we’ll tell the full story with great gratitude, just like all the other great trophies God has on His “Heavenly mantle”.

I find it quite interesting that the doctors can’t find a diagnosis.  Doesn’t that just sound like the Lord to not let our minds get ‘pigeon-holed’ with any negative mindsets associated with a stated malady?  This way, our hearts are kept unfettered to believe for supernatural healing… and I believe that we’re well on the way to seeing that happen.  We’re very grateful for the expert medical care Asher has received… but even though they still can’t find an answer, we all know the Great Physician has him more than covered.

Asher has made progress nearly every day for the last couple of weeks.  He’s beginning to move his forearms and wrists… and has varying amounts of movement in most of his fingers.  Thank you, God!!!  Recently, Asher got out of the hospital and will continue ‘out-patient’ physical therapy at both Kansas City Children’s Mercy Hospital locations for an unspecified period of time.  He will likely receive another MRI in a month or so.

Thank you
We are deeply grateful to everyone for the many prayers and the gracious supportive comments sent via Facebook, email, text and phone.  You have been a great inspiration!!!  And we believe that together, by the Grace of God, our prayerful declarations are reversing a temporarily troublesome issue in Asher’s body.

For about 18 days John or Cheryl were at the hospital nearly 24/7 with their youngest son.  It has been a challenging time with 3 other young children (6 years old & under) at home, juggling work, family time and all the other life responsibilities.  Regarding finances, they believe insurance will be covering the majority of bills.  But Asher is home now and we’re believing that the family will be able to return to normal in the not too distant future..

Thank you so very much for your continued love, prayer, gifts and care for John & Cheryl and their family!!!!  If you have encouraging words, they would love to hear from you on their Facebook pages.

Declare with us that God will complete the good work that has started in Asher.

Love and blessings
Mark & Debbie

PS Check out this video for Asher’s current (2021) miraculous status and a cool God-story.

Dwelling Place Ministries
11011 Olive St
KC, MO 64131
DPM home:
Mark FB:
SP book:

SP True Story: Old car retired… new car acquired

9 Feb

Over the last couple weeks nearly 10 people have given us sizeable financial gifts.  God knew we would need it soon.  He’s so good that way!

Debbie and I made a ministry trip to the cold ‘Nordt Country’ Thursday Feb 1 through Wednesday Feb 7.  Our 2001 Accord still looked good, but it had 320,000 miles on it.  I thought it would serve us well on this trip.  Even so, as we drove out of our driveway, I said, “This will probably be the last trip with this car.”  I didn’t know how true that would be.  Without previous coolant problems, I had to unexpectedly add anti-freeze twice before we arrived in Richland Center, WI.  In addition, we realized gasoline was leaking from under the car. 

Early the next day our friend Johnny, repaired the rusted gas line leak.  It seemed that the engine may have blown a head gasket.  And as we had it up on the hoist, the water pump sprang a significant leak.  We added ‘stop leak’ to the radiator and replaced radiator cap.  That stopped the loss of water… and we found that the water pump only leaked when the engine was cold.  So we continued our trip, but had to add water before starting the car each time.  😦

We spent Saturday and Sunday with our good friends at Mel Wild’s Cornerstone Church in Prairie du Chien, WI – three great meetings with lots of help from Heaven. 

On Craigslist we found a suitable car in Sioux Falls, SD at the right price, but I couldn’t reach the owner via text, phone or email… and we wouldn’t have time to see it for two more days.

Sunday afternoon we continued to Rochester, MN to join a favorite event: a two-day Global Legacy Leaders Advance at Rod Marquette’s Destiny Church.  As usual, it was a Holy Spirit anointed time. 

Tuesday noon we decided to head for home early, just to accommodate any problems we might have with the car.  From Rochester, MN I had about 1 ½ hours of driving before we had to make a decision to turn south on I-35 to go home… or continue west on I-90 to Sioux Falls to look at the car.  Several things had to happen for us to continue to Sioux Falls.  1) The owner of the car had to answer the phone.  And he did.  I ask questions and was satisfied with car.  2)  Now we had to have cash.  We had money in the bank, but not in hand.  3) A good friend in Sioux Falls had to be home.  We called… and he was home.  4)  Would he have the cash to temporarily give us in exchange for a check from us.  He did.  He wouldn’t normally have that much money, but a medical bill hadn’t been paid yet, so it was available.  5)  The car test drive had to yield good results.  It did.  6)  We bought the car… but now we had two cars in Sioux Falls?  So we donated our old Accord to a local young man who I’ve mentored for the last 5 years.  We gave him permission to keep it and fix it… or sell it and keep the money.  He was happy to receive it.  

Each of those things were ‘make or break’ issues… but we didn’t ‘forced’ any of them to make them happen.  If any one of these issues had not happened we would have gladly accepted that divine guidance, without forcing the issue.  I really love being led by our Lord!  His ways don’t require (or allow) sweat!!  This is very much in keeping with our two-word life motto: Follow Life. (click to read more)

Interesting side note: That next morning our Sioux Falls host planned to participate in an early morn prayer session at the local House of Prayer.  He was to leave the house at 5:10 AM.  I told him that if I woke up at 4:30AM I would go with him.  I did.  We got to the prayer meeting and I thought I would just enjoy the atmosphere… but they discovered that their worship leader was sick that morning and wouldn’t be coming.  Hmmmm.  Somebody just happened to have left an acoustic guitar there… and so they asked if I would lead worship for their team.  I did.  God had a great plan for all of us!  🙂

Deb and I acquired a car and retired a car in Sioux Falls.  Then, ‘happy as a lark’, we drove to KC in our new vehicle – a 2015 Accord with only 17K miles. Nearly new!
Thank you so much, for your prayers, care and gifts… and THANKS to our over-the-top Lord!!!!


A Father’s Day tribute to Dad

17 Jun

I was thinking about Dad today.  He’s been gone about 14 years now, but his memory and legacy live on in the lives of the Hendrickson family… and the many who knew him.  So I decided to write a little tribute to him on this Father’s Day.  It’s about his ‘homeland’… the island world that greeted him when he entered this world.

Long Island is a 7 mile long island in the middle of the Mississippi River just below Canton, MO.  Three families lived on the island in the early 1900’s.  My grandfather and grandmother and their 5 children were one of those families.  The children’s daily trek to school involved rowing across a small river in the middle of Long Island, walking across Bullock Island, entering another boat and rowing across the main channel of the Mississippi, then walking 3 miles to school in La Grange, MO… and of course they had to follow the same path when returning home each afternoon.  The family lived there until Dad was 12 years old.  As you can imagine that created many stories that were told to the next generations.  The telling of those stories happened on countless occasions through word of mouth… and through a book that my father Jack Hendrickson wrote, entitled; True Tales from Mark Twain Land.

I can remember camping on Long Island when I was just a pup.  We had a 16’ aluminum boat filled with cousins and aunts and uncles and a boxer dog.  I think there were over a dozen of us in that boat. WAY OVER LOADED!  The water was only inches below the gunwales.  Everyone had life jackets but we all knew how to swim.  We rowed across the main channel and about 3 miles downstream from Canton.  Once there, we set up camp on one of Long Island’s sand bars.  Then we traipsed through the itching weeds and undergrowth and swatted myriads of mosquitoes with small leafy branches… all because we were on an almost religious trek back to ‘Mecca’ – the old home place.  The aunts and uncles told big stories that seemed bigger than life to us kids.  It was magical and high adventure.

Much later in life, Dad hired a fisherman to drop off he and my family at the North end of Long Island… then that fisherman returned home.  At the end of our adventure we were going to swim back to a landing on the Illinois side.  Dad told us stories as we walked down the island about a mile to the old home place.  He told us of the white gate… the screech owl… the escaped prisoners… the escaped circus bear… great-grandpa’s fatal fall out of the persimmon tree and if it hadn’t been for great-grandma the pigs would have eaten him, etc.  We walked down the dry bed of what used to be Bullock River and finally arrived at the mound where the house and barn used to stand.  Other than the mound itself, the only evidences of past civilization are some sizable concrete pieces of barn foundation.  Dad told of fun interactions with his siblings, butchering livestock, the cow falling down the barn steps and breaking its neck, rope swinging off of the house roof into Bullock.  He recounted swimming back across Bullock after rounding up the cows from the south end of Bullock Island… they’d catch a cow tail and let the cow pull them across.  Lots of mesmerizing stories that held us all spellbound.

He showed us a humongous sprawling cottonwood tree that was there when he was a kid… 60+ years earlier.  Somewhere over the years he brought a start from the wild rosebush that was near their home on the mound… and planted it at his home in Quincy.  In later years, I got a start of that same rosebush and it grows in my back yard to this day.  It’s vines are fairly unruly and it only blooms about 2 weeks out of the year… but boy is it fragrant!!!

Map of Long Island

Map of Long Island

After hearing all the stories about the old home place, it was time to return home.  We headed across the island to what was left of the old Tenvorde white house to cross the Canton Chute.  We had all been carrying life jackets for swimming back to the Ursa landing on the Illinois side of the river, which was about a mile downriver.  Our 3 boys, about 6 and 8 and 10 years old, were with us.  So Dad, Debbie my wife, the boys and I plunged into the river.  I told everyone that they had to swim like the dickens so as to make it safely around the head of Shandrew Island… otherwise we’d get trapped drifting down the wrong channel that would probably take us most of the way to Quincy!!!  Well, you probably already guessed… those kids soon pooped out.  So what was I to do???  It was going to be up to me to get those kids back across the Canton Chute channel.  So I took off my life jacket and shirt, tied a strap of it around my waist and then let the life jacket, straps and my shirt trail behind.  The boys had to grab any part of it and at least kick… AT LEAST KICK THEIR FEET!!!!!  A caravan of bodies was trying to cross that river.  So, I did back strokes the whole way as I towed them behind me like so much dead weight.  (I’ve swam across a channel of the Mississippi 3 times in my life.)  But guess what, we made it safely and perfectly to the Ursa landing, right where we had left our car.

That was the last time my family was on Long Island.  But just a few months before Dad died, I borrowed a small boat and motor.  I propped him up in cushions and made sure that he was as comfortable as possible.  He and I motored up Canton Chute and Smoot Chute to the head of Long Island… and there we began halfheartedly fishing… (neither of us were avid fishermen).  You see it wasn’t about making a great catch today, it was about spending quality time.  We lazily drifted, catching as many eddies as possible, all the way back to Ursa landing… several miles.  It was very touching for both of us…….. we knew this would probably be the last time he would see his beloved world where he began life’s journey and had lived so many life-forging experiences.  We talked heart… and easy… and tenderly.  It was a precious event in my life… to take a fading generation back to his ‘homeland’ and give him and his homeland the time and value they deserved… to allow time-honored golden memories to slowly emerge up out of the deep places of his heart.  We both knew we were having an epic and timeless encounter.  It satisfied his longings to be with his homeland… and it satisfied my desire to give him… and his life, esteem and honor.  No rush, no push, nothing in particular to accomplish except to be together one last time… near his precious memories.

I think we caught one or two fish that day… which we enjoyed back at the house that evening.

Reliving and retelling his early-years always caused Dad’s eyes to light up.  During his last 9 years before departing this earth, those wonder-filled Long Island memories inspired him to craft True Tales book.  Long Island had formed a boy into a man, and given a soul character, and that character and his God had held a life secure and unshakable in times of testing and shaking.  Less noble men would have likely shipwrecked… or at least capitulated.  I treasure those facets of his life-moorings that became inextricably woven into the fabric of his life.

One of his greatest desires was to pass his venerable values and principles on to the next generation.  Well… I think he did!!!  All of our family (my mother, my sister and her husband… my wife and our four children and their spouses) are passionate Jesus lovers, are involved in ministry (music and speaking), travel the world, and love to give Jesus away wherever we can.

Thank you, Dad!!  Great job!  A life well lived.  I’m so proud of you!!!




A couple ‘Grand’ announcements…

12 Feb

Dear Friends

We have a ‘Grand’ announcement to make: We’re grandparents again… and again!!!

The grandbabies are popping like rabbits…

This last month we experienced a significant expansion of our tribe… two more healthy males to carry on the Hendrickson name.  For Debbie and I, that makes a total of 7 grandchildren, 4 years old and under… the more the merrier… and they’re a ton of fun.


Samuel Isaac
January 6, 2017
8lbs 15oz – 21”
Markus and Allison’s second child


16387157_10154846207170761_1061228170996636491_nAsher Mark
January 16, 2017
8lbs – 19”
John and Cheryl’s fourth child

Everyone is healthy; mommies, babies and daddies.

Join us in a toast to many more Hendricksons. Hoorah!!!

Lotsa love
Mark & Debbie



Merry Christmas & Happy New Year 2017

25 Dec
