Archive | April, 2017

SP True Stories: A cool God-story ahead

17 Apr

(From a friend)

A family friend of ours was in need of a twin bed.  So, I went on Craigslist and found an amazing super clean twin bed, with box frame, frame, and a great head board with cubbies for $75 super close to me, that had just been posted.

When I showed up an older man came out and we began talking about hockey.  When I opened my tailgate I had K-Love playing and the song, God’s Not Dead, was playing.  The man made mention to the song saying it was a good song and asked if I was a believer?

Well one thing led to another, some good God talk was had, and when the bed was loaded in my van, he shook my hand, and gave me the $75 back, and told me to be blessed.    🙂