Archive | February, 2021

Go back and remake your choice

28 Feb

Stories to Inspire

Have you ever had a regret in your past that you wished you could go back and do it right?  Of course… I think most of us have.  What if there was a way to do just that?

1.  Is it Biblical to go back in time?   Can we have any influence over something so pervasive as TIME?

Paul admonishes us to “redeem the time”.  Most of us probably think that means to just work harder or more diligently.  And I imagine that is good for starters but I’m confident that there is more latitude for interpretation of this verse.  Here are just a few references to changes of time in our Bibles.

“Pay careful attention, then, to how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil.” – Eph 5:15-16

“And another king shall rise up… and he will intend to change times and the law…” – Dan 7:25

Sun went backward ten steps for Hezekiah – II Kngs 20:9-11

“So the sun stood still, and the moon stopped, till the people had revenge upon their enemies.  Is this not written in the Book of Jasher? So the sun stood still in the midst of heaven and did not hasten to go down for about a whole day.” – Josh 10:13

2. So how can I change things back in time?  How can I change things that seem buried in my past? 

Well, for starters check out a post on my blog of how a daughter was physically healed without knowing that her mother went back in time andrewrote the script.”

And now, check out Donna’s story as she remakes a choice in an event that happened many decades before.

Go back and remake your choice

“A few years ago I read Nancy Ravenhill’s story and was impressed with how she prayed for Jesus’ help during some abusive times as a child.  Her story reminded me of something that happened to me when I was a little girl.  I wished I could have asked Jesus for help then, but at the time I didn’t know to do that.  Instead, my experience brought fear into my life.”

“Several months after reading Nancy’s book, I heard Patricia King speak at a conference.  She said that Jesus, as our redeemer, “buys back and reestablishes”.  She said, “If there is an area you have remorse over, go back into the memory with Jesus.  Repent, receive forgiveness.  Then make the right choice.  He can then fix and redeem the situation.””

“I decided to go back to my childhood experience and remake my choice, which I didn’t know how to make when I was young.”

“What happened—more than 50 years ago—was that I “saw” a man in my closet, an old man wearing a suit.  I was afraid of him and afraid to get out of bed.  My mom came, opened the closet, and showed me that no one was there.  But the fear remained throughout my childhood and into adulthood.  Looking back on this incident through the years I always saw that man in the closet.”

“I went back in time in my imagination to the experience with the intention to make a better choice than I made as a little girl.  I told Jesus I was sorry that I didn’t ask for His help back then.  I asked Him to help me and to take care of the man in my closet.  It was that simple.  The next part was not a product of my imagination.  I saw Jesus angrily dropkick that man right out of the house.  Gone for good!  I knew Jesus was not happy about what had happened to me, and that too was healing.  From then till now I see only an empty closet.” – Donna

Informed Prophetic Intercession

15 Feb

Recently my friend Earl Ackley, sent a communique to his followers and he used the term, informed prophetic intercession.  That resonated so deeply with me.  I love that phrase!  It connotes that before someone speaks, they have heard first.  It sounds like our ‘business’ of prayer is maturing.

I believe that intercession is getting a brand new definition in this era.  To me, it used to mean ‘petition loud’… but it’s changing to: ‘declare AFTER hearing‘.

As we know, we can’t truly be prophetic unless we’ve been informed… because true Biblical faith only comes by being informed… “faith comes by hearing“.   And once we’ve heard, then we have a “substance of things hoped for and evidence of things not yet seen”.   We can speak with the assurance and confidence that our words are the same as Heaven’s words.  

I feel the pleasure and smile of our Father upon us all as we mature in our hearing first, and then in our capacity to prophesy as “oracles of God.” (I Pet 4:11)  His dreams are coming true in and through us.  Wow!!  He’s always wanted to “give you the Kingdom”, but we had to grow up first before He handed over the keys. 

Can’t you just see Father calling the angels and Saints around and pointing at us with righteous pride and saying something like, “Look!  Look!  They’re getting it.  My dream for them is coming to pass.  Let’s all throw a party in the Heavenlies!  It won’t be long, they’ll be as comfortable governing earth from Heaven as they used to be when praying beggar prayers from Earth.  They’re gonna love spending more time in their Heavenly realm than the earthly realm.”  (just like Jesus in Jn 3:13)

It’s empowering and transformative to enter into the delight that our Father is feeling about us as we discover and embrace our inheritance.  It gives new meaning to the verse, “Well done, enter into the joy of the Lord.”

And if I can take it a bit further, I’ll bet Father is notifying Creation, which has been groaning in eager expectation for the emerging of the Sons of God upon the earth.  He’s probably giving Creation a ‘heads-up’, “FYI Creation!  You’re eager expectations are about to be fulfilled.  My sons and daughters are on a good track to discovering their true identity and latent DNA.  And that will mean your liberation, also!” (Rms 8:19-23)

Can you feel the jubilation of our Father?

Earl, you’re onto some VERY GOOD!  We’re advancing in maturity.  We’re becoming ‘mature sons’.  That’s good news.

I declare over each of you; Much grace, easy hearing and powerful declarations… followed by many compelling testimonies!!!!


Sacred heart angel

10 Feb

Stories to Inspire

Every good father wants his children to begin to learn his heart and his values and his world.  We proudly introduce our children to the places we grew up and to the important people in our lives.  Our hopes are that in so doing that it will help form a paradigm for them to mature well.

And our Heavenly Father is no different.  Jesus said, “It’s the Father’s good pleasure to give us the Kingdom.” – (Lk 12:32)

So how do we become familiar with our Father’s world?  Well, Jesus said that we can’t even get into the Kingdom of Heaven unless we become like a little child.  I think part of becoming like a little child involves learning how to simply recognize our Father’s leading.  If we can learn Father’s voice and respond to it, then we can be assured we’re safe to explore new territories.

Sometimes, I employ a simple activation that usually yields some pretty astounding experiences – sometimes tender tear-filled and powerfully personal… and sometimes hilarious, accompanied with lots of laughter.  God’s ways are way more personal and fun than we ever expected.  This is just one activation that can launch us into a process of wonderful discovery of our Father’s world.


Sacred heart angel

At The Well – my sister and bro-in-law’s church in the Nashville area – we initiated an activation to become familiar with our angels.  We asked Holy Spirit to put something in our left hand… and with our right hand to take the first name that came to mind.  This would be a child-like ‘first step’ into the discovery of the function and identity of one of our angels.  

My sister Leann, felt like a glass heart was put in her left hand, but then the glass heart turned into a real beating heart.  The first name that came to her mind was ‘Sacred’.  One possible application of those two things is that Leann may have an angel that brings and reveals the Sacred Heart of the Father to her. 

Two days later, Debbie and I gave Leann and Carl their Christmas gifts.  My gift to Leann was a clear 2” glass angel that I brought from KC (see pic).  She gasped in surprise, “Do you know what this is!?”  Honestly, I had no idea of the significance!  She pointed out that the angel is holding a glass heart in its hands and reminded me of what had happened just 2 days before, with her Sacred Heart angel experience.  Then I remembered.  We were both amazed at how God is so good and so personal as He leads us into His world.  He is so fun!!!


Prospering while trapped in another country

8 Feb

Stories to Inspire

In a recent post, I asked, “What did you do with 2020?”  You’ll love what my friends have done with 2020.

We’ve all had our 2020 hardships, but in March a great friend of mine and his wife had to go to another country in order to get their visas renewed.  Their home for the last several years has been in a foreign country where they serve as missionary pastors.  But in the day or so that they were out of their home country, Covid restrictions shut everything down.  They couldn’t re-cross the border to return home.  Now they were stuck in a country where they don’t have any friends… and only a casual contact.

But the cool thing is that after nearly a year of being stuck, they currently have a boatload of God-stories… including housing, finances, connections, ministry, etc.  Any normal human response to being trapped in a foreign country would likely be overwhelming discouragement and potentially ‘poisoning’ our future with murmuring and complaining.  But true to their norm, they’ve been actively engaged in listening and responding to God… even in this foreign land… even despite Covid.

BTW – Here’s the latest on their living accommodations: “We’re still stuck in ‘xxxxxxx’, and just got a major upgrade in our living situation.  We’re apartment sitting.  It’s a really nice place.  Eighth floor, beautiful view, great location and reduced rent. It keeps on getting better!”

This next story is about a new area that God caused them to prosper.  God loves to take what the devil means for evil and our destruction… but with our participation,  God turns it around for our good!! This story is a great example of that.

Prospering while trapped in another country
“I know everyone is sending you cool ‘traveling in the spirit’ testimonies, however, I want to tell you a cool Divine provision testimony.”

“Earlier last year I felt Papa was leading me into a new area of investing. My wife and I had some extra money in savings, which was new for me. As a single missionary guy living on faith for most of my adult life, I was used to having ‘just enough.’  I was always more than grateful for what I received because it was usually the result of some cool God story of how the money came to me.  My wife and I began discussing what we should do with the extra money until we needed it.”

“I began praying, researching and felt I should look into investing in some companies on the New York Stock Exchange.  I’ve been a Christian most of my life and growing up in the church I had never heard a message or read a book on investing.  It was a little unnerving for me, but I remember working on a project in high school where we did some investing with imaginary money and I did quite well… and really enjoyed it. So this gave me some confidence.”

“In the winter of 2019, I had just finished reading Kris Vallotton’s book ‘Poverty, Riches and Wealth.’  I was really inspired by this book, especially by Jesus’ parable of the ten minas (Luke 19:11-27). I began feeling a ‘nudge’ and soft encouragement by Holy Spirit to look into investing.  However, there was also the strong feeling to wait until Spring to invest.  I did my homework, researched the companies that I wanted to invest in, learned how to invest and was ready to go.”

“But I kept feeling like I was to wait until Spring. I thought, “This must just be fear that’s stopping me from investing.”  But the feeling wouldn’t go away.  So I waited.  Well, as you know, Covid took the world by storm in early March of 2020 and wiped out the stock market.  It dropped big time! I knew this would be a golden opportunity, as I had faith to believe the stock market would come back.  So I began investing.”

“My initial goal was to make 10% on my investments for the year.  I knew the bank would give me less than 3% and I had enough confidence that I could do better than that.  The stock market had its ups and downs but ended up recovering throughout 2020.  I had some disappointments and some victories.  I learned many lessons, took prayerfully calculated risks and exceeded my yearly goal rather significantly.  Like I said, my goal was to make 10%.  Well, I ended up making almost 100%… or close to doubling my investment. I turned my ‘ten minas’ into another ‘ten minas.'”

“This is not a testimony of how “God made me rich,” nor am I saying if you follow God He’ll make you rich, nor am I saying that if you invest God will tell you what to invest in (at least He didn’t tell me).  It’s a testimony of receiving a ‘nudge’, obeying the ‘nudge’, trusting God in a new arena, being faithful with what God has given you and then watching Him bring the multiplication.”

“It was a wild ride and so cool to succeed in a new arena with Papa.  I’m a bit cautious about investing in the current market.  But I’ll carefully and prayerfully move forward with investing if I feel that little ‘nudge’ again.” – DV

Asher’s Amazing Miracle

1 Feb

Stories to Inspire

Here’s a short story video that will likely melt your heart.

April 2, 2018 – Nearly 3 years ago our then 14-month-old grandson Asher, was suddenly stricken with acute flaccid myelitis – an inflammation and swelling of the spinal cord.  He had just taken a 2-hour nap and uncharacteristically woke up crying… and for no apparent reason.  After some homespun testing, John took him to the ER.  That night was a long night.  

Cheryl and I joined John and Asher early the next morning.  After intensive research and extensive tests, the Drs knew what was wrong, they just didn’t know why… and the prognosis they gave us was pretty hopeless.

Despite knowing that this was a serious problem, we immediately reminded our hearts and minds of how our family lives in the favor of the Lord… proven by countless miracles of His goodness.  We determined that we would NOT let our hearts be sucked down into a dark whirlpool of confusion, discouragement or despair.  If every previous trial in our lives has ended up being an amazing trophy testimony, then why would this trial be any different!?!  REALLY!!!  This is the REAL stuff!  If we’re in Christ, we must begin to believe His heart for us and anchor our emotions in this infallible truth.

John stayed in the hospital with Asher for 19 days.  Cheryl traveled back and forth and took care of the other siblings.  At about 19 days, Asher moved one finger 1/4″.  Yay!!!!  Our confidence was already unshakeable but that little 1/4″ movement was the ‘icing on the cake’.  They dismissed him from the hospital saying that was all they could do for him.  But that wasn’t to be the end of the story – THANK YOU, GOD!!!!

Since then, progress has been slow but very steady and remarkable.

Many people around the world have prayed for our little guy.  This tender and innocent toddler has found his way into the hearts of countless caring folks.  Nearly everywhere we go, someone asks how he’s doing.  So, this short video is an overview of the last 3 years to tell the good news and give glory to our awesome God. 

At this point, Asher has recovered most of the motor function and muscle skills in his arms, hands and fingers.  His nerves have evidently established new pathways to transfer the impulses and his muscles have steadily rebuilt.  There is no doubt that he’ll have as much normal function as any other boy within a year or so.  Even now, it might be difficult for a stranger to notice that Asher ever had a problem.

Our hearts are so grateful to our Heavenly Father for His care for us the whole way through.  He has helped us turn another test… into a test-imony!  What we knew to be true about God nearly 3 years ago when things looked so bad, has carried us right into another one of a boatload of trophy God-stories that is power-packed to inspire others.  He’s just that good!

The takeaway: Our God is so much better than we ever thought!!

Click here for a 5:30 mins video story