Archive | November, 2020

Come on up here!

23 Nov

Stories to Inspire

God is opening up new territories for us to live in.  These territories have always been available, and have always been in our Bibles but we haven’t have revelation to understand what we were reading.

I love Deut 29:29 which says that when God reveals something to us, it belongs to us and our children.  It is ours!  We own it and get to ‘walk in it’.

The secret things belong to the LORD our God, but those things which are revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may do all the words of this law.

Speaking of receiving revelation, consider John, The Revelator.  He was just hanging out “in the Spirit on the Lord’s Day”. (Rev 1:10)

Parenthetical question: Which day is the Lord’s Day?  Is it Sunday… or Saturday… or?  But then, which day of the week is not the Lord’s day?  And what if John was actually ‘caught up’ to the Great Day of the Lord (in the future)?  Would that change anything?  Just something to think about…

In any case, John is in a state of ecstasy… he’s already “in the Spirit” and while in that state, Holy Spirit invites him to come on up, even higher. (Rev 4:1)  Ever wonder how many levels of “in the Spirit” there are?

Inarguably, being ‘in the Spirit’ was fertile ground for John to get ‘revelated’.  I believe it’s safe to say that our best revelations occur when we’re ‘caught up’ in the Spirit.

So, if God’s dream for our inheritance is for us to co-rule with Him over these Heavenly territories while we’re still “in this life” (Rms 5:17), then we’re going to have to become familiar with what’s ‘above the line’… in the Spirit realm.  So let’s go!

In this story, Karen is acclimating her heart and mind in this direction… and gets pleasantly surprised with a “sweet” mission of wrapping people in blankets of love and healing.



Come on up here!

“Late one night, I couldn’t sleep, so I asked the Lord what He would like for me to know.  I heard him say, “Come on up here.””

“Using John 10:9, I went through Jesus, our Door.  I was then given a weighted blanket that was weighted with love and healing.  It was stuffed with the healing leaves from the trees that grow on either side of Ezekiel’s river (Eze 47:12).  He then pointed out many, many people who were to receive these blankets.  He gave me specific directions for each person (or couple) about how I was to wrap the blanket around them.  It was so sweet and when we were finished, I fell asleep.”

“I feel like we’ve been given a lot of permission to use our Holy Spirit ‘golden’ imagination to see things we’ve never seen before in Heaven and to participate with Jesus in ministering to others.” – KD


Good and more good!

17 Nov

My friend Mel Wild’s recent blog post ‘The Ultimate Immune System’, inspired the following.

When life brings disruptions, such as the ‘pandemic’, do we recoil and complain?  Or do embrace it as a golden opportunity to develop a new M.O. (mode of operation) for our lives?  Disruptions can be good and more good… depending on our basic perspectives on life and God.

Some of us were stuck in the same ol’, same ol’… we’d grown overly familiar and very chummy with our comfortable but boring rut.  That rut was not giving us life… nor affording any opportunities for new life in our lives.  And sadly, we would have never gotten out of our rut unless something disruptive hadn’t come along.

So disruption, in this case, is good… even though it is disturbing and may be stressful.  O, it may require some purposeful activation, and a little help from others around us, but it leads us to better places… and a better M.O.

Even more good
There are others of us who are always looking for fresh frontiers because if we’re not moving, then we’re getting stale… and that’s not acceptable.  A ‘disruption’ becomes a welcomed opportunity to explore new M.O. for multiple areas of life.  Is disruption ruling you… or are you ruling over your disruption?  If you look at it from this perspective, this time of global disruption is like a pipin’ hot meal from Heaven, served up on a platter.  🙂

Really!  It’s like the ‘is-the-glass-half-full-or-half-empty’, sort of thing.  How do we view it?  Is it “Amen!” or is it, “O, me!”

Is this Biblical?
Take a look at Isa 60:2.  When do we get to shine?  When is our light shining the brightest?  When is our light most effective?  It’s right in the middle of the darkest darkness!!!!!

“For, look, darkness covers the earth and deep darkness covers the nations, but the Lord shines on you; his splendor appears over you.” – Isa 60:2

Expect the Light of Heaven in these times!  Look for it.  Greet it with open arms!  Embrace it!  Move into something brand new!

This could be one of the best transition times in your life.  It is certainly becoming that for me on several different fronts.

For more related to this subject try this.


Spirit travel 500 miles to pray for my buddy Paul

15 Nov

Stories to Inspire

Jesus said there was an easy way to access the Heavenlies… through Him!   He said. “Use Me, the Door, to access Heaven.” 

“I am the door; if anyone enters through Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture.” – Jn 10:9

I know, we normally use this verse as a ‘salvation verse’ – “In order to get saved you have to come through Jesus.”  But, if salvation is the only application for this verse, what do we do with the last phrase – “and will go in and out and find pasture?”  Surely we’re not implying getting saved, unsaved and resaved, are we?  Rather, I believe Jesus just gave us a blueprint verse for how to live ‘above the line in the Heavenlies.

You see, we have great theology about the Heavenlies… but we have very little personal experience in the Heavenlies.  We know these familiar verses by heart.

“and raised us up with Him, and seated us with Him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus…” – Eph 2:6

“Therefore, since you have been raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God.  Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.  For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God…” – Col 3:1-3

As we follow Jesus’ invitation to use Him as the Door, the frontiers of our rich inheritance exponentially get opened up to us.  Yay, we can experience more than a mere earthling experience!  We are citizens of Heaven and the larger part of our being, is already CURRENTLY there.  Jesus invites us to access the Heavenlies, explore it, become familiar with it and begin to possess our inheritance.  So, for almost two years I’ve been facilitating hundreds of people ‘into Jesus’… and thus into the Heavenlies.  And the very personal and powerful heart encounter stories melt my heart nearly every time. 

This pic says it perfectly!!!!

Traveling in the Spirit is just one of the many frontiers available to us after we access the Heavens.  And it’s a fun one.  We’re not talking about some kind of astral projection or anything new age.  We’re talking about the Biblical kind… the kind that Paul, Philip, Jesus, Elijah, John, etc, experienced.  Obviously, we require ourselves to only follow Holy Spirit’s lead in these matters.

Jesus cautioned us:

“No one comes to the Father but by Me.” – Jn 14:6

“Truly, truly, I say to you, he who does not enter by the door into the fold of the sheep, but climbs up some other way, he is a thief and a robber.” – Jn 10:1

With that securely etched in our minds and hearts, let’s full of faith, enter another part of our ‘Promised Land’.  Got it!  Now, the following is one of my personal experiences.

Spirit travel 500 miles to pray for my buddy Paul

Setup: I had been reading about, praying into and exercising in traveling in the Spirit for some time.  Obviously, it’s in the Bible.  And I’d already had several experiences.

Prompted, I emailed my friends Paul & Donna, in WI to see how they were doing.  She text back apprising me of Paul’s health.  What I didn’t know was that his infected replacement heart valve had caused severe sepsis in his body.  He’d been on 4 strong antibiotics, lost 50 pounds and been under quarantined medical care for 6 weeks.  She finished by saying, “Thank you for praying. Paul is quite discouraged today. Maybe you can go visit him in room 51.”

I thought, “Hmmm, she probably thinks that I’m in WI.”  So I said, “I wish I could.  I’m in Kansas City.  Please give him my love and care!!!”  She replied, “Haha I meant in the Spirit 😊.”  Finding it hard to believe that I didn’t ‘pick up’ on this, I responded, “I should have caught that!!!!  Sorry, I will do that right now!!!”  My sense was that this was Holy Spirit’s way of prompting me to activate into my new frontier.

I immediately went up to my bedroom, stilled my mind, activated my golden (Holy Spirit inspired) imagination and ‘took off’.  Within seconds I ‘flew’ 500 miles to WI, came down to the medical facility, in the front door, down the hallway, into Rm 51, placed my hand over Paul’s heart and made a few declarations over him.  All of that came from my own initiation and activation of my mind into a position that I felt Holy Spirit had prompted me to do.

But I did not initiate what happened next!  A bright white Light flooded Paul’s room.  It was the very white ‘solid’ Light… so ‘thick’ you couldn’t see through it.  It would be like standing immersed in a large vat of white milk.  Goosebumps ran down my arm, literally.  But then I wondered what I supposed to do with the light.  But before I could even fully think that question, I knew what to do… I was supposed to take all the Light and impart it into his body through my arm and hand.  But before I could even think that thought in my mind, it happened!  And then I felt another wave of goosebumps down my arm.

Surprised, I said to myself, “Wow, I think something just happened!”  (O man of faith that I am 😊)  So I made a few more declarations over Paul and ‘backed out’ of the experience.  I then text Donna and told her that I had visited and prayed for Paul.

A couple days later I text Donna to ask about Paul.  She replied, “After you prayed for him he had a breakthrough and decided to take one day at a time and not worry about the future.  He has been doing much better emotionally since then.  Thank you.”

A couple weeks later Paul was back home.  I texted and asked if he’d like to talk on the phone… and soon he was telling me his story.  I asked him if I could tell him my side of the story.  And so I told him what I’ve just told you.

He was slow to respond and said, “That really touches my heart.  The hardest part wasn’t even the physical ordeal, it was that from the time that I was under medical care, I couldn’t hear the voice of God.  And you know how much I love to hear His voice… and that I even teach about how to hear His voice.  But Donna said you called… and the next day I began to hear again.  I’m home now, off all meds and gaining my strength back.”

About a month later, I called Paul again.  He was still gaining his strength back and steadily getting better.  And as you might imagine, our conversations are getting more Heavenly each time we connect.

Thank our wonderful God for miracles of several different kinds.


Politics 2020: My views – last day

2 Nov

Nov 3 – election day 2020 is almost upon us.   This is quite likely the most crucial election in our nation’s history, thus far.  The opposite outcomes are so widely divergent that it’s not even a matter of argument or discussion at this point.  It’s almost like there is very little common ground.  In that case, I think it’s not prudent to engage in political matters with those who are strongly decided.  Proverbs says,

For the churning of milk produces butter, and twisting a nose draws blood, and stirring up anger produces strife. – Prov 30:33

So, I feel it’s important to rally voters who may not normally vote… and to put some insights out there that may help those who are undecided. 

Speaking of insights, here is a political platform comparison from the Family Research Council (FRC)  

Trump is untamed but fulfills his promises

Honestly, most if not all of us have been at times quite strongly offended at our President’s demeanor and words.  He can be a braggart, a bully, a name caller, and crass – to put it nicely.   But the substantial fruit of a man is likely more telltale than any of a man’s quirks or mannerisms.  Jesus said it this way.

What do you think? There was a man who had two sons. He went to the first and said, ‘Son, go and work today in the vineyard.’  “‘I will not,’ he answered, but later he changed his mind and went.  “Then the father went to the other son and said the same thing. He answered, ‘I will, sir,’ but he did not go.  “Which of the two did what his father wanted?”

“The first,” they answered.

Jesus said to them, “Truly I tell you, the tax collectors and the prostitutes are entering the kingdom of God ahead of you.  For John came to you to show you the way of righteousness, and you did not believe him, but the tax collectors and the prostitutes did. And even after you saw this, you did not repent and believe him. – Matt 21:28-32

Anyway, the point is that this President has done more for the Conservative sector than most presidents in modern time.  Sadly those attainments don’t get traction from the Main Stream Media because it is counter to their liberal agenda and objectives.

Pro-Life and SCOTUS 

One of the biggest ways that President Trump serves the Conservative/Religious right is in his laws and Supreme Court picks who are not Liberal activists, but rather respect the dignity of all life – born and unborn.  Each of his picks has a reputation of holding to the original intentions of our Constitution versus Liberal interpretation.  

The other side’s platform is more than troublesome… it blatantly smacks in the face of Biblical and moral values making it extremely difficult to understand how any Christian could vote for them.  One of the biggest issues is abortion.  Here’s what God says about it; “I hate… the hands that shed innocent blood.” – Prov 6:16-17.  How clear can it be… for the unborn and against voters who support it!?!?!  But I won’t even begin to itemize the problem areas here because of the shear number of areas.  Interestingly, there is a surprising groundswell of positive sentiment among voters.  Things like 96-mile-long ‘Trump trains’ and parades, boat flotillas with thousands of boats, and hundreds of tractors and combines parades… these are a phenomenon never seen before.  This speaks volumes of the loyalty and support his followers feel for him.    

Strong Christian influence around him

Our son Luke, and group in Oval Office praying for Trump


Something most people don’t know, President Trump has surrounded himself with seasoned and vibrant Christians.  Even before his presidency, he sought prayer.  Does he look like a saint?  No!  But I believe that he’s a man who is in the clutches of the Destiny of God.  He has been ‘apprehended’ by God (you may disagree, but his last election was something of a miracle by most people’s standards).  In the midst of this, God surrounded him with people like Paula White and Mike Pence who are vibrant Believers.  Trump doesn’t just tolerate Christian interest, he solicits Christian involvement at all levels.  Here are a couple pics of Trump being prayed for.

Riots versus normal life

A bothersome reality is that if the Biden wins tomorrow, America will likely settle down and gravitate toward normal on all counts; including covid and civility.  But if Trump wins tomorrow, there will likely be riots in the streets of many of the large cities of America.  I’m not bloviating; the mostly Democrat city of Washington DC has boarded up their stores in anticipation of riots.  What a troubling commentary on the stark difference in the character, agenda and values of each side.  The ‘gulf’ between them seems so wide that I’m not sure how the disparity can be reconciled without a miraculous God-type intervention.

But after tomorrow, if Biden wins, I will continue life as before with people of all persuasions… showing grace, courtesy and genuine friendship.   Fortunately, most Americans are the caliber of people who will still live in peace with their fellow countrymen if their candidate does not win.

Let’s set a record of epic proportions!  The US has over 230 million eligible voters.  Some say we may have 150 million voters in this election, a record.  If you’ve never voted before, this is the time to start!  Let’s break all expectations!

Be encouraged, God has a great plan for you and me and America!!!  We will be happy!