Archive | May, 2012

DPM Update – 2012 May

12 May

Dear Friends

Newsflash!!!! We’re grandparents!!
     Introducing: ASLAN JAMES Hendrickson, born: April 29, weight: 7 lb. 4 oz., length: 19 in.  (Aslan pic)  Our little grandson is a keeper!!!  You may remember Aslan (the lion who represented Jesus) in Chronicles of Narnia by CS Lewis. Well, Aslan is a lion-to-be, but for right now he’s just a little man-cub.  During delivery John was great support and Cheryl was a real trooper.  She’s our new Super Hero!!!  Debbie is enjoying doing the grandma thing.  And I can hardly wait to take him down to the river and walk through the mud barefooted with mud squishing up between our toes…. you know, all the finer things in life.
Cheryl’s parents (from Hawaii) and two of her sisters have been here for most of a couple weeks.  They’re so much fun and so loving. Great grandparents also came from FL.  And of course Luke and Lydia had to come see their new nephew.  It was a blast having the family here to celebrate this wonderful occasion.  (Grandparents & Aslan pic)
When you think of all the excitement and delight over this new little life birthed into the world, maybe it gives us a little insight into the kind of rejoicing that happens in Heaven by the angels when one sinner repents (Lk 15:10).

Northland Trip
     Debbie and I had an awesome time in MN, WI and IL recently.  So many great things happened that it would be difficult to tell it all. There were Divine connections and meetings in Richland Center, Austin, Rochester, Pigeon Falls, Wells, Prairie du Chien, and Dallas City.  Great worship times, sharing, encouraging, counseling, hangout times, prophesying… this is the stuff we were made for.
Richland Center, WI / Rochester, MN –  We were asked to lead worship for the Regional Global Legacy Conference with Graham Cooke as keynote speaker.  We were extremely honored to have friends, Owen & Emmy Richards, Oak & Monica Kershner and Myles Collins join us from RC to help with worship.  Our good friend, Johnny Wang even joined us from CA to help on keys!  Wow!  We all have the same heart for worship so flowing together was easy, rewarding and lots of fun!  The Lord really blessed our time in worship!
Prairie songs  –  A whole evening of spontaneous song and free-flow worship during our time in Prairie Du Chien, WI was truly exhilarating.  Here’s a fun little audio clip (poor recording) of a song that evening. As you can hear, we all got a little carried away celebrating a fresh revelation that “We got the best Dad“.
Dallas City, IL –  I moved away from this sleepy little river town 37 years ago and even though I’ve visited it many times, I’ve never had the desire or inspiration to do any ministry there.  But over the last 6 months I began to feel a stirring and a fresh grace to see what could happen if we did something informal and yet worship oriented.  Well, it happened.  One of my high school teachers took a great deal of the responsibility to set it up and several classmates and boyhood friends attended, as well as dear friends who attended my father’s church ‘back in the day’.   We also found that there is a little move of God happening there in Dallas City… even between churches.  It was a blast to reconnect with ‘old’ friends.  We fellowshipped together, worshiped and there were prophetic words and/or songs over each one who stayed the duration.  I believe most found it rewarding and some were very touched… evidenced by raised hands and tears, etc. so it wouldn’t surprise me if we all gathered again to see where the Lord could take us.

11th Annual He-Man Camping
     Mark your calendars… our annual camping trip to South Central Missouri is going to be June 20-23 this year.  Note: We will be camping a total of 4 days and 3 nights… and the entire time will include He-Man(you know who you are), She-Woman, and small fry type.  So bring the family and enjoy God’s creation and each other!  A canoe float trip down the Jacks Fork River is also an annual highlight. We always have a blast.  (Check ‘He-Man Camping International’ Facebook group for more info and pics)

Randy Clark Brazil trip
     We’ve had a desire for about 15 years to go on a missions trip to Brazil with Randy Clark.  The astounding miracles that happen on these mission trips and the residual graces that accompany people when they return has always inspired us.  So we’re praying about the possibility of going at the end of Sept.  We’d appreciate your prayers with us about this.

Upcoming Elections
     A great Catholic elections commercial   Test of Fire: Election 2012   Life, Marriage, and our Freedoms… are in the fire.

Much love

Mark and Debbie
Dwelling Place Ministries
11011 Olive St
Kansas City, MO 64131