Archive | March, 2021

Jesus rewrote the story

18 Mar

Stories to Inspire

This story may not be so much different from some other great ministries such as; Sozo, Theophostic, Healing Prayer or Emanuel Prayer…. all of which are methodologies of healing problematic issues in our past.  But in most of those practices, it requires a ‘coach’ to assist you on this journey into our healing.

Isa 2:3 says that He (Himself) will teach us of His ways and we shall learn to walk in His paths AS we learn to ascend to the Mountain of the Lord.   Did you catch that?  We must ascend… that’s UP to to His territory.  Thank God for people who come alongside us to help us into breakthroughs.  We’re very grateful!  But what would it be like if we were led by Jesus Himself?  

I believe this is just one of the many benefits of learning to ascend into the Heavenlies.  And that’s just for starters!!! 

Listen to Karen’s recent story of how Jesus lovingly cared for her as He personally escorted her back in time to a place of a lot of pain for a young 12-year-old girl.  He extracted that pain from her memories.  It reminds us again that He wants to and is very capable of restoring all things in our lives.   

Let’s let Him.



Jesus rewrote the story

“Recently I was invited to go through the ‘Door’ of heaven (John 10:9).  Here’s my experience.”

“Once I walked through the Door I heard water gushing and I saw a waterfall, high cliffs and beauty all around.”

“Jesus came to me and said, ”Let me love you,” and beckoned me to follow Him.  He led me to a scene in my past where I was recovering from spinal fusion surgery.  I was in a very hot and depressing room in a Children’s Hospital in Nebraska.  My Mom was in the room with me.”

“When Jesus walked into the room it was suddenly filled with beautiful flowers and a lovely fragrance.  He motioned for me (adult Karen) to crawl into the bed with young Karen and hold her.”

“One by one He led me back into many memories in that hospital where I stayed for 3 months.  There were many dark memories that happened in that hospital to myself and others.  I was in that hospital 400 miles away from home at age 12 without my family — except for a couple of visits from them.  Each memory we walked through, He transformed into a fun party.  Every day became a big party in the ward with 30 other girls between the ages of 12-18.  Some days we had our toes painted and some days we had our fingernails painted.  We had angels attending us in a loving and kind way.  There was an atmosphere of great joy in the place.  Jesus rewrote the story… not only for me, but for every girl in that ward.”Jesus rewrote the story

“There is truly a transformation of joy happening inside of me because of this encounter.  I love how Jesus took the memories and experiences and redeemed them as only He can.  As a result, these memories are not holding me as a victim any longer!!  Now, when I remember this season in my childhood I feel a sense of joy instead of dread.” – KD


Ascended Life Community (ALC) School

17 Mar

Dear Friends

You may know by now that many of us have been inspired by some fresh new spiritual frontiers in the last few years.  Actually, these spiritual frontiers are not really new, they’re just being rediscovered.

Have you noticed that much of our Christianity is focused on what’s ‘below the line’ – the ‘line’ between Heaven and earth.  A large part of below-the-line focus has been on behavioral issues and spiritual disciplines, etc—i.e., compliance with the Ten Commandments.   Don’t misunderstand me!!  These are all good… they help keep us out of the ‘ditches’ of life.  But it seems as though Jesus’ desire for us, is for something far more than just staying out of the ditches.  What does He really want?  Try this…

“Father, I desire that they also whom You gave Me may be with Me where I am, that they may behold My glory which You have given Me…” – John 17:24

Doesn’t it sound like Heaven is where He wants us to be?  But, is that possible?  Well… this next verse implies that it’s doable for all of us – now!

“No one has ascended to heaven but He who came down from heaven, that is, the Son of Man who is in heaven.” – John 3:13

Did you hear what Jesus said?  He is “in Heaven” AND still in His physical body – AT THE SAME TIME!  Evidently, for us to be with Him in Heaven doesn’t mean that our ‘ticker’ has to stop or that we have to physically leave earth.  We can experience Heaven while still in this physical body. 

That may be a radical new thought for you… or maybe you’ve been experiencing this reality for years, but this revelation is the starting place of a fascinating adventure we’ve been on for the last few years.  Together with some amazing friends, we’ve made crazy cool discoveries about ‘relocating’ to the Heavenlies and we have very tangible stories to show for it.  The truth is, it’s been one of the most exciting times of my Christian walk with God.  And the Ascended Life Community (ALC) would like to share it with you!

So we’re announcing…

ALC school – via Zoom – free!

This Saturday, March 20 we will begin a twice-monthly Saturday 10 AM Zoom (the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of the month).  We will focus on ‘ascended life’ (Isa 2:2-3) and new creation (II Cor 5:17) realities… and many exciting related topics.  Each time we gather, we’ll 1) share stories 2) focus on an ascended life topic, 3) initiate an activation and 4) debrief.  ALC school is open to all who are interested.  Feel free to send this invitation to others.

Here’s a 10-minute outtake from a recent ALC meeting which gives a brief overview of what our Ascended Life Community is focused on.

What is ALC? A brief overview –

If you are interested, simply send me an email (below) and I’ll send you the Zoom connection info for this Saturday.

Our love and blessings!!

Mark & Debbie Hendrickson
Ascended Life Community (ALC)
in association with 
Dwelling Place Ministries (DPM)