Archive | July, 2022

Angels on assignment

18 Jul

Stories to Inspire

Most of us believe in angels.  It’s likely that many of us believe that angels attend to us.   But most of us have very little understanding of angels and much less interaction with angels.  What would it do for you to ‘see’ your angels actively engaged in their assignments over your home and over you?  Would that inspire you?  Would you feel more protected, secure and emboldened in your life and family?  I think the answer is unquestionably, “Yes!”

That’s what happened to a couple of our friends.  Without any preconceived expectation, they saw something which gave them a great deal of faith to believe that they were receiving the supernatural help from angels on patrol, protecting their home.

I think you’ll like this simple but impacting story from Tyler and Crystal.

Angels on assignment

“A few weeks ago, our neighbor drove by and said that they “saw our cat entertaining a family of raccoons” in our front yard.  That neighbor called and suggested that we view it on our security cameras.  We accessed the camera memory and found something very different. 

We never did see the cat and raccoons, but were surprised to see this wispy ‘figure’ move across our yard just in front of our porch, as if it was an angel on patrol.  Very encouraging and inspiring!

A few days ago, without any prompting, our daughter said that she saw an angel in our back yard and said it was very similar to what was on our cameras a few weeks ago.

Thank God, the Heavenly realms are becoming so much more real, these days!” – TS/MO

(Click here – About 5 seconds in, a figure moves across the lawn from our right to left.)

And I will manifest Myself to him

17 Jul

Stories to Inspire

How many times have you discovered a phrase tucked away inside a verse that you know so well?  It was like the Light of Heaven shone on it in a brand-new way, revealing a brand new rhema.  And when that rhema bursts alive, you find that it is easy to embrace or walk in the reality of that new insight. 

That’s the power of Revelation.  When revelation comes, it also brings the permission and empowerment to walk in the reality of that revelation.  This is so clear in Col 3:4.

“When Christ, who is our life, appears, we shall appear with Him in glory.” – Col 3:4

Let me elaborate on that verse, like this:

As often as Jesus appears to you and in whatever way He appears to you, He brings with Him the permission and empowerment for you to manifest in that same glory that He just manifested.” – Mark’s Expanded Version

O boy!!!  So Julie found a little phrase tucked away in a familiar verse.  There it was.  Had it been hiding in there all this time?  Of course it had.   Evidently God thought it was time to take the next step.

And so she did.  She engaged with the living Word of God.  You’ll like her story.  And you’ll want to try it.  That’s the power of testimonies. 

And I will manifest Myself to him

Yesterday morning, my husband Jeff and I were talking about John 14:21, which says,

“And he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and manifest Myself to him.” 

Jesus manifest

After Jeff went to work, I remained in the living room, sitting in one of the fireplace chairs, pondering this verse that seems to promise us that if we love Jesus He will personally appear to us.  What an amazing promise! 

So I closed my eyes and said to the Lord, “I love you, Lord, please manifest Yourself to me.”  Then when I opened my eyes and looked at our couch, this is what I saw! 

On the velour blanket, there was an image of Jesus‘ hand… and His arm up to His shoulder… and the sleeve of His robe.  Do you see it? And can you see the nail print on His hand?

What an amazing God we have!  So faithful and true to His promises!

So the next morning, guess where I had my quiet time?… in that very place, in His arms! – JE/KS

Reconciler is on the job!

12 Jul

Stories to Inspire

Our Heavenly ‘family’ is getting more real, more relevant and more practical all the time.  What a gift from our most loving Father!

People ask frequently, “So how does this change your life?”

And that’s a great question.  I’d want to know, also.  For starters, when a person’s heart gets tenderized and their mindset about Heavenly realities gets upgraded, that a real blessing, right!?!?   But when our circumstances are being radically effected for the good, that becomes the ‘icing on the cake’.

A friend of mine is experiencing some very real life changing benefits from partnering with her angels… which is just one category of Heaven’s many resources to the saints.

What would you think if this was your family?  Would you be happy?  You betcha!

Due to the personal nature of this story the names have been withheld or changed.


Reconciler is on the job!

My family has been disconnected for the past 5 years, which was when a disastrous Christmas resulted in disconnection of relationships and family members taking sides.  It was heart breaking for this Mama to watch it unfold.  But God has been faithful to grow my faith and equip me with faith-tools to bring breakthrough and reconciliation in my family.

So, I met a new angel named Reconciler, about a month ago.  It has been really fun to partner with Reconciler in assignments for my family.  Since I’ve met and partnered with him, here are a few wonderful developments with my adult children and their families.

1. My son called to tell me of a dream he had about 2 weeks ago.  In the dream his sister came to visit and met her niece and nephew she had never met.  My son woke feeling hopeful, peaceful and encouraged about the possibility of reconciliation!!   Woot! Woot!

2. Another son called and wanted to let me know they would like to come visit.  (We haven’t seen them since last summer.  They have chosen to not be together because of covid.)  While here, some very painful situations from 20 years ago were brought up in a conversation – blaming me.  The Lord gave me grace to stay ‘present’ and listen.  The result was that my son said, “Mom, I don’t think I have ever said this, but I want to celebrate you for taking the courage to leave Dad.”  That was a 180 from where the conversation had started.

3. More family was here last weekend.  We had a delightful time.  I asked my son for a private meeting in my office and God gave me grace to ask questions and share my heart with him around a story he had told me that I had a very different perception of.  He listened and I felt his heart shift…he stood up and walked to me and gave me a big long hug and said, “Mom, I love you.”  Woot! Woot!

4. Next, I received a text message from a daughter (another big disconnect with she and her family) asking us to come for Grandparents Day at my granddaughter’s school.  We made the 7 hour trip and had a wonderful time with our granddaughter at her school and spending time together with her family.  I am so grateful for hearts opening to connection.

5. More recently, I received a call from my son.  He had taken the day off.  He shared what he is learning about meditation!  My ears perked up!  He asked me if I would lead in a meditation/prayer… however I wanted… with him on the phone.  Wow, so cool!  So I did both.  It was a sweet heart connection that we had not experienced before.

6. A few days ago, I received a call from my oldest daughter.  I haven’t had any communication from her for months.  She called to apologize for the things that she said to me the last time we talked.  Wow!  Guess who is at work!  Reconciler!

I’m thanking God for letting me partner with my angel Reconciler.

I am so grateful that we are learning to meet our angels and partner with them.  When there had seemingly been no evidence of healing in the family, the tide has shifted and fruit is coming forth..  Glory to God!