Moving into supernatural provision – getting started

10 May

Let’s try a simplified approach to our journey into supernatural provision.

How do I get started?

Let’s say you have a skill, service or anointing and you believe that if you were to develop it, God could use it to supply for you.  But before you ‘burn the bridges’ and make some impulsive radical decisions which may cut off your current provision, let’s address some issues.

1. Are all of your bills caught up and paid in full?  If not, and if you are chronically behind in your bills, then temporarily get another vocational job because a man “must provide for his household…” – I Tim 5:8

The principle here is; either our provision comes 1) through our faith, anointing and growing favor in our relationship with God… OR… 2) we must obtain our provision by our brains or our brawn.

2. Self-discipline is vital.  Learning to be good stewards of our time is a very big deal in this process.   Too much idle time will jeopardize our potential and make us vulnerable to trouble.  Too much busy-ness will sap our time and emotional reserves… leaving us depleted, making it difficult to move into something new.  We must develop and adopt appropriate disciplines that meet the demands of the scope of our territory!

3. Learn how to host and impart eternal value through our unique field of inspiration.  Our ‘field’ doesn’t need to be a stereotypical ‘ministry’… but our heart’s approach to our avocation, vocation, craft or ministry, needs to have the decidedly focused objective of impacting the Heavenly realm for eternity’s sake.  Father is watching to see if we’re gripped with making His business our business.

4. Amass all the email addresses or social media connections of all your friends and contacts… then be a GIVER extraordinaire!  Give away all your testimonies.  Tell your trophy stories… or family stories, etc.  Be an encourager!  Make eternal deposits in their lives as frequently as you are able.  Let people know what God is doing in your life and around you, even if those things seem small.  Do not ask for money or even hint at it!   Be a giver!

Being a ‘giver’ must come from a heart that is consumed with desire to be ‘about our Father’s business.’  If being a giver isn’t an overflow from our heart, we’ll ‘burn out’ quickly.  In addition, being a giver will establish in the hearts of ‘our people’, that we are operating under Kingdom values and we’re worthy ground to sow into.  Their sowing into us may include; bringing their business to us, their time, their contributions, their prayer, their favor, etc.

5. Expect that moving into full time activation of our avocation, skill or ministry… and experiencing full provision… will be an incremental process.  Allow 2 to 10 years to reach our goal.  Expect that there may be times along our journey when poor finances may require us to supplement our growing faith with an extra temporary job for additional income.  This is not to be seen as a setback.  This is more likely a step to let other necessary factors catch up.  These factors may include: character, self-discipline, fullness of time, anointing, skill, people connections, circumstances, etc.   


After you’ve evaluated these matters and have several inarguable God-signs to validate His will, then you’re ready to take your first steps into the next phase.  Be sure to reevaluate your progress many times along the way to insure that you’re still ‘on course’.  Be patient, be consistent and develop your intimacy with Jesus so that your ‘hearing’ is at it’s peak and your heart is most empowered.  Happy adventures!

For more on this subject, read my book entitled, Supernatural Provision – Where God guides God provides!


3 Responses to “Moving into supernatural provision – getting started”

  1. Mel Wild May 11, 2017 at 8:38 AM #

    Good practical stuff, bro!

    • Mark Hendrickson May 14, 2017 at 12:20 AM #

      His care is too good to not access it and enjoy it. The invitation is to “whosoever”. That’s how big His love is.

  2. Patricia December 4, 2018 at 10:50 AM #

    This was excellent! Especially number 1 for practicality and number 3 for spiritual. Love how you incorporated both practical and spiritual.

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