Tag Archives: Thomas D. Klingenstein

Politics 2020: My views – day 1

28 Oct

Our country’s next Presidential election on Nov 3, 2020, is less than one week away!

We’re not just talking about voting between two different men… we are voting between two very opposite mindsets, two different world views, two opposite cultures.  For us to debate or get hung up on the personal strengths and weaknesses of these two men, would be to miss the much larger picture.  The regimes and ideologies behind the men are diametrically opposed to each other.  One believes that America is great… and the other believes America is evil.  If you believe America is evil then you’ll feel free to vilify America and thus create a revolutionary path to destroy America.  Under that regime, the America that we’ve known and loved will cease to be!!  This destructive agenda is in full view… full swing… in real-time, right in front of our eyes… NOW!

This 17-minute video lays it out quite well.

In order to destroy America, the agenda is to undermine, erode and delegitimize the courageous soul of traditional Americans.  We must not be distracted by personality issues when a full swing destructive revolutionary coup is in process. Here are just a few issues…

Human trafficking
Moral cultural issues
Anarchy and lawlessness
2nd Amendment
Rise of socialism/communism
Open borders/immigration
Racism/reverse racism
Defunding law enforcement
‘Tolerance’ gone mad
Deterioration of our country’s Godly ‘compass’

Note: You may not agree with me.  I’m truly quite OK with that!  For the record, I have never posted oppositional comments on anyone’s public page… and never intend to.

If you don’t like my views, don’t read them… or feel free to unfollow or unfriend me.  But if you feel compelled to post something contrary to my theme, you should know that I’m VERY comfortable with deleting argumentative, contentious or mean comments… and blocking or unfriending people!

I understand that my views will not sway those staunchly holding to an opposing view.  But there are many who are undecided and I intend to do what I can to activate them into meaningful votes.

I realize that our nation’s ultimate ‘salvation’ does not rest in the hands of a man or a woman.  It is God who raises up or demotes (Dan 2:21). But our heart realities (Godly or not) and our actions (or lack of them) set a strong precedent and open ‘doors’ in the natural and the spiritual realms (Prov 14:34).  So, I intend to pray and to vote…and to activate others to do the same.