Tag Archives: jail visit

DPM Update – 2014 March (2)

26 Mar

Dear Friends

Kauai experience
Wow!  We hit the ground running. Holy Spirit is an amazing organizer.  Seems like we’ve had a meeting nearly every day since we arrived.  And they’ve been fun, easy, no-stress meetings. Man, do I like that. Jesus said, “My yoke is easy and my burden is light.”  Wonder what He meant by that?  Do you suppose that His way should be stress-free and easy?  Then what if what we’re doing is stressful and hard?  What’s the commentary on that?  Hmmmm.  O well, I should probably move onto another topic now.  How about those ‘Dodgers’!?  🙂

We’ve helped in a wedding, helped lead a YWAM DTS worship night, jail ministry, house churches… at least 17 meetings, already… and only a couple were preplanned before we arrived.  Again, you just gotta love Holy Spirit’s leadership.  He’s so amazing.

Then there is the stunning beauty of the island and the warmth of the island people.  The views are eye-candy.  You just can’t stop goggling over how majestic the jagged mountain ridges and spires are… so completely quilted with verdant and lush green cover to the very top… and how many hues of blue are out on an ocean horizon scene.  Is God awesome or what!?  I can just picture His Creator heart spinning out creative ideas like kernels of exploding popcorn… and His super-sized painter’s pallet filled with at least 50 bazillion colors… just to dazzle us and make us fall more in love with Him.  He’s good!

And did I mention that it’s been unseasonably cool since we’ve been here.  It’s been all the way down to 58-60 degrees at night.  We even had to put our jackets on.    🙂

Jail visit
We met outdoors at the jail.  Our host Cathy Gray, introduced us to the women and then we presented our “so-believable” Good God to them.  Debbie told a brief version of her encounter with Daddy-God… at which tears AND a very gentle mist began to fall.  We all took note of this special ‘sign’ of God showing us His tender heart.  I sang a personalized song over each of them.  There was a lot of love felt between all of us.  By the end, we all had tears as Jesus’ winsome love was shed abroad in all of our hearts – Rms 5:5.  O, and one lady said she felt “energy go into her knee” and a significant amount of freedom from pain as we prayed for her.  Another lady said she could “trust God again” and didn’t want this meeting to end. I fully expect that we will make a return visit soon to the Kauai Community Correctional Center.

Fruits – incredible edibles
Apple Banana – stubby little bananas that have a much tastier sweet and tangy taste than regular bananas

Cream apple or star apple – tastes sweet and juicy like a very creamy ice cream

Rambutan fruit – soft spiny round fruits (looks like a sea urchin) that have a firm gel-like sweet center much like a lychee

Strawberry guava – grows wild everywhere – has the normal guava seeds throughout the pulp but with a distinct sweet strawberry flavor

Mangosteen fruit – tastes like peach, strawberry and vanilla pudding all mixed together

Pics of meetings and misc Kauai adventures
To view click here

Phone issues
My phone got ‘stuck’ last week… it won’t do anything.  And there is only one phone guru here in Kauai and he’s off-island right now.  So if you’ve tried to call or text me, I’m sorry I’ve not been able to receive your communications.  Debbie’s cell phone, email and Facebook messaging have been the only way for communications for a while.  It’s just weird not having a phone.  Was there actually life before cell phones? Hope to have the matter resolved soon.

Video – resurrection from the dead
Christian doctor prays for dead patient who raises from the dead (about 6 mins long)

Lotsa love,

Mark and Debbie
Dwelling Place Ministries
11011 Olive St
KC, MO 64131
Web: http://www.dpmkc.org
Blog: http://www.marklhen.wordpress.com
Mark FB: http://www.facebook.com/marklhen
SP bk FB: http://www.facebook.com/spforu